

I am an artist with an inherent curiosity for nature. Growing up in Michigan, I was always fascinated by the plants and animals that surrounded me. I drew them repeatedly, examining their unique forms and behaviors.

After taking a bird biology course in college, I developed a love for birds. Now, they make up a large share of my work, as they are the perfect subject to foster discovery of the natural world.

My work oscillates between the scientific and fine art realms, but always focuses on the interesting stories found in nature and the small beauties tucked away in our own backyards.


Jessica French holds a BA in Art & Design from the University of Michigan and a graduate certificate in Science Illustration from California State University, Monterey Bay.

She was a 2019 Bartels Science Illustrator at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. She is currently a freelance illustrator in Charlotte, North Carolina, available for scientific or fine art illustration.

To commission work, buy prints or originals, or request a resume or e-portfolio, please contact me at

Prints and other products are also available on Society6 and INPRNT.


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